Box 24
Contains 271 Results:
Newsweek, "Radio '65: Everyone's Tuned In" Article, 1965-06-28
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Frederic H. Phillips, Letter to Benjamin B. Graves, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1964-02-11
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Handwritten Draft of "Broad Problem - How To Measure The Effects of Advertising" Report
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Note entitled, "Research Ideas," for a Report on Advertising
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Leon T. Kendall, Economist, United States Savings and Loan League, 46th National Conference, American Marketing Association, Washington, D.C., "Innovation in Research and Marketing of Savings" Report with an attachment, Farmer's Savings Bank, Blank "New Account Information Form", 1963-06-18
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Note entitled, "Steiner on Attitude Construction" & "Steiner on Simulation & Time Perspective"
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
B.B. Graves, "Trends, Methods, and the Effectiveness of Financial Advertising; Term paper Dr. J.W. Reddock in partial fulfillment of the course requirement for M & M 270"
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Correspondence between Benjamin B. Graves & Professor Robert Little, College of Business Administration, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington, with an attachment: Harold H. Kassar jian, "Programmed Instruction in Marketing" Report, 1963-09-03 - 1964-01-02
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Donald H. Granbois, Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Graduate School of Business, Indiana University, "The Role of Communication in the Family Decision-Making Process" Research Paper
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.
Hans B. Thorelli, "Simulate to Stimulate in International Marketing; Paper presented to the American Marketing Association meeting in Boston" with two attachments: The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago, Hans B. Thorelli, Robert L. Graves, and Lloyd T. Howells, "Vol. XXXV, No. 3; The International Operations Simulation at the University of Chicago" Issue & Organ of the World Federation of Appliance Manufacturers, the intop...Gazette, "No. 4" Issue, 1962-07 - 1963-12-27
This collection contains papers, relating to Ben Graves' life and his time spent as President of various universities.