Box 9
Contains 235 Results:
Eckert, Hans Ulrich "Survey on Important Aerodynamical and Geometrical Data of German Supersonic Rockets", 1947-06-20
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Arnold "Dichtemessungen mit Rontgenstrahlen an Uberschallstromungen in Windkanal", 1944-01-11
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Arnold "Dichtemessungen mit Rontgenstrahlen an Uberschallstromungen in Windkanal (English Version)", 1944-01-11
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
"Uber die moglichkeit Lokaler Dichtemessung in Rotationssymmetrischen Stromungsfeldern", 1943-04-03
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "Zustandsonderungen in Vakuumkessel und Blaszeitdauern bei Ueberaschallbetrieb", 1945-07-27
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "Die Funkenbelichtungsanlage fur die Schlierenoptik des Uberschallwindkanals", 1945-08-05
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "der Mechanismus Angeregter Taumelbewegungen pfeil- Stabiler Korper", 1945-07-03
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "Die Verbesserung der Leistungsfahigkeit dees Windkanals der WVA durch erweiterung der Maschinenalage", 1945-08-27
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "Uber die Leistungsfanigkeit der Trockenanlage des 40 x 40 cm^2 Windkanals", 1945-08-27
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Hermann, Rudolf "Die Wirksamkeit dese Kuhltaktventils der Trockenanlage des 40 x 40 cm^2 Windkanals", 1945-09-11
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.