Box 9
Contains 235 Results:
Prandtl, Ludwig "Ueber Neuere Arbeiten Zur Theorie Tragenden Flae Che", 1938
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Prandtl, Ludwig "A Re-Examination of the Hydrodynamic Theory of Bearing Lubrication", 1937-10
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Prandtl, Ludwig "Naturwissenschaflich-mathematische Gegenwartsarbeit", 1937
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Prandtl, Ludwig "Allgemeine Betrachtungenuber die Stromung Zusammendruckbarer Flussigkeiten", 1936-06
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Prandtl, Ludwig & A. Busemann "Naherungsverfahren zur Zeichnerischen Ermittlung von ebenen Stromungen mit Uberschallgeschwindigkeit", 1929
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
Prandtl, Ludwig & H.Schlichting "Das Widerstandsgesetz Rauher Platten", 1934
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
R. Plank "Neue ergebnisse Physikalisch-Chemischer Untersuchungen im Kaltetechnischen institut in Karlsruhe", 1931-07
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
R. Plank "Uber die Zahigkeit von Gasen und Dampfen", 1933-01 - 1933-02
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
W. Pohl "Einflub der Wandrauhigkeit auf den Warmeubergang an Wasser", 1933-09 - 1933-10
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.
W. Pohl "Zur Definition der Loschmidtschen Zahl", 1942-02
Subjects covered within this collection include wind tunnel testing, early German rocket science history, and UAH Research Institute history.