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Partial report on the orders wa Prüf 11/IV - 111 - 3130/39 Vers. Calculation for the determination of the maximum wall temperatures in the gap cooler and rectangular finned cooler (explanatory memorandum to II of the 6th partial report of 5.12.40 on the order Wa Prüf 11/IV - 111 - 3130/39 verse), 1940-02-25

 File — Object: 41/6 - 44/12, Folder: Arch 42/14


  • Creation: 1940-02-25


From the Collection: 100 Linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: German


German Translation: Teilbericht zu dem Auftrage wa Pruf 11/IV - 111 - 3130/39 Vers. Rechnungsgang fur die Bestimmung der maximalen Wandtempersturen im Spaltkuhler und Rechteckrippenkuhler (Begrundung zu II des 6.Teilberichtes von 5.12.40 zum Auftrage Wa Pruf 11/IV - 111 - 3130/39 Vers)

Author/Editor: N/A

Repository Details

Part of the The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives & Special Collections Repository

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Huntsville Alabama 35899 United States of America