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Wind tunnel investigations on the speed and center of gravity influence on the controllability of the C2/E2 device of the "Waterfall" project (supplement to HAP report archive no. 66/133 g.Kdos), 1944-03-03

 File — Object: 66/116 - 67/2, Folder: Arch 66/143


  • Creation: 1944-03-03


From the Collection: 100 Linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: German


German Translation: Windkanal Untersuchungen über den Geschwindigkeitsund Schwerpunkt Einfluss auf die Steuerbarkeit des Gerats C2/E2 des Projekts "Wasserfall" (Erganzung zu HAP-Bericht Archiv Nr. 66/133 g.Kdos)

Author/Editor: Erdmann, Wegener, Erdmann, Hermann

Repository Details

Part of the The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives & Special Collections Repository

M. Louis Salmon Library
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville Alabama 35899 United States of America