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Huntsville Businesses

 File — Box: Series 4, Subseries B, Box 8c, Folder: 7
Identifier: r04b08c07

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Frances Cabaniss Roberts collection covers the historical records of the Cabaniss Roberts family. This collection contains extensive correspondence records of the Cabaniss Roberts family circa 1830 to 1930.


  • Creation: 1830 - 1930


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research in the Archives & Special Collections reading room. Handling guidelines and use restrictions will be communicated and enforced by archives staff members.


From the Collection: 105 Linear feet (143 boxes and 19 oversize.)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


, Isaac (slave) 3, 4
A. M. Booth Contractor, Builder 143
Abernathy, David 6
Abernathy, John 6
Acklin, Joseph 6
Acklin, Robert 5
Adams, A. G. 132
Adams, H. W. 6
Aday, Boose 6
Aday, Levy 6
Aday, Loyd 6
Alabama Grocey Company 70
Alabama State Employment Service 52
Alford, David 4, 5, 6
Allen, Harry 135
Allen, Samuel A. 5
Allen, William C. 5
Allison, B. J. 135
Allison, Joseph 6
Alspaugh, Marcus H. 12
Alvestine, Susannah 6
American Discount Company 45
Andan Co., Inc. 98
Anderson, Charles 98
Anderson, Ephraim 4, 5, 6
Anonymous advice 14
Anyon, George 6
Arbaugh, David 6
Armstrong, John M. 6
Armstrong, Robert 6
Army & Navy Surplus Store 119
Arp, Cullen 5
Ashburn, Lewis 6
Athens, AL 92
Atlanta, GA 45, 91, 137
Austin, David 6
Austin, Sanders 4
Bacon, Thomas 6
Baker, Allen 6
Baker, Samuel & Co. 6
Balew, Nicholas 6
Balew, Peter 6
Baltimore, MD 172
Banks Auto Parts Co. 123
Banks, Jake 123
Barrot, William 7
Bass, John 4
Baxter, Alexander 6
Baxter, Jesse 6
Bayles, Elias 4, 6, 7
Bayles, Reuben 6
Baylis, Daniel 6
Beal, John 7
Beason, George M., Sr. 110
Beaty, Robert, Capt. 6
Becker's Department Store 28
Becton, Johnnie 135
Belk's 1
Belk, William Henry 1
Belk-Hudson Co. 124
Belk-Hudson Company 51
Bell, Isham 7
Bell, J. W. & R. A. 6
Bell, James 6
Bell, Stanley M. 94
Bell, Thomas 6
Bell, William D. 6
Bell, William 6
Benford, Abner H. 6
Benford, Addison 4, 6
Benjamin Patteson & Co. 5
Bennett, R. E., Mr. & Mrs. 78
Bentley Bros. - Oldsmobile 85, 86, 87
Bentley, Charles R. 85, 87
Bentley, Doris L. 86
Bentley, Geneva E. M. 85
Bentley, Geneva 87
Bentley, Philip W. 86, 87
Berry, John 6
Berry, Robert 6
Berryhill, Alton E. 88
Better Business Bureau 133
Bibb, William 6
Biddle, John 4
Big Brothers Super Market 39
Biles, James 6
Bill Ray Motor Co. 112
Binford, A. H. 6
Birchfield, Harold 135
Bird, John 6
Bird, Jonathan 6
Bird, Michael 6
Birmingham, AL 74, 80, 97
Bishop, Archibald 6
Bishop, H. H. 6
Bishop, Henry 5
Blackburn, J. W. 6
Blackwell, T. Alvin 88
Blake, H. C. 159
Blake, J. W. 159
Blakley, Robert 7
Blalock, John 6
Blankenship, Joseph 6
Blevens, John 6, 7
Blevins, John 4
Blevins, William A. 88
Blow, Peter 6
Blue, John, III 132
Boardman, John 6
Bond, Nelson 6
Bost, C. F. 111
Bounds, L. D. 95
Bradford, H. 6
Bradford, Henry C. 5
Bradford, Henry 6
Brahan & Atwood 6
Brahan & Rose 6
Brake, Ann, Mrs. 104
Brandon, Thomas & William 6
Brandon, Thomas, cir. ct. clerk 11
Brandon, Thomas 3
Breen, Bill 133
Brewer, Willis 6
Broanax, John P. 4
Brock Grocery Company 161
Brodnax, F. S. George 4
Brodnax, J. P. 4
Brodnax, T. F. George 6
Brower, Willis 4
Brown, J. P. 7
Brown, John T. 4, 6
Brown, John, dec'd 6
Brown, John 4
Brown, Ruby, Mrs. 104
Brown, W. H. T. 6
Brown, Willa M. 92, 93
Bruner, Willis 6
Bryan, James Lamar 109
Bryant, Elizabeth 88
Bryant, J. 7
Bullard, W. T. 130
Burns, Patrick 6
Burriss, Parson 6
Butler Shoe Corp. 91
Buys, James 6
Byrd, Stephen 6
Byrum ? 11
Byrum, Ebenezer 6
Cain, James 5
Cain, Thomas 4
Callahan, A. M. 7
Calloway, R. C. 89, 101
Calloway, 42
Campbell, A. A. 7
Campbell, George 7
Cannon, David 7
Carlton, Thomas 5
Carmichael, Daniel 7
Caroll & Bradford 7
Carrell, John D. 3
Carter, H. L. 88
Carus (?), Thomas 7
Caruthers, Hugh 4
Caruthers, Martha 7
Caruthers, Morriss 4
Casai (Black) 7
Cash, A. 4
Cash, Benjamin 4
Cash, Ben 7
Central City Association 19, 20, 21
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 132
Chambers, Charles 98
Chambers, Henry 7
Chandler, J. B. 6
Chapman, Samuel 7
Charles E. Hutchens, Contractor & Builder 158
Chase, H. B. 23
Chattanooga, TN 61, 62
Cheek, Stephen H. 7
Cheek, Stephen S. 4
Chenault, William 5
Chesnutt, T. B. 132
Childs, James H., Jr. 108
Chills (Chiles), Thomas 4
Clark, Alfred 4, 7
Clark, Isaac 7
Clark, Samuel 6
Clay, C. C. 7
Clay, Clement C. 5
Cleary, James R. 132
Clemmons, James 7
Clift, W. Ed 128
Clifton, Amsey 7
Clifton, William 7
Cloud, J. H. 4
Coak, Sara 98
Cobb, William 7
Coffman, Daniel 5, 7
Cohen, Harry 119
Collier, Isham 7
Collins, John 4
Columbus, GA 71
Contamination Technology, Inc. 134
Coody, James 7
Coons, James 7
Cooper, Solomon 4
Cooper, William 7
Cope, Jack 31, 33
Cope, James 31, 33
Copeland, James 5, 7
Corloe (?), William G. 7
Cosby, John 7
Cosby, Robert 7
Cosby? 4
Cotrell, J. A. 7
Cottingham, T. J. 76, 77
Coulp, Frederick 7
Cousins, Bill 62
Cousins, William C. 61
Cousins, William Clifton 62
Cowan, Archer 7
Cowan, Mose 7
Cowart, Eugene G., Mrs. 2
Cozby, John 4, 7
Crabb, Thomas D. 5, 7
Craft, Samuel 7
Craig, John 7
Crawford, Leon 132
Criss, James 7
Cross, Andrew 4
Crow, Mansfield 5
Crump, John O. 4
Cruse, W. & S. 7
Culp, Frederick 7
Cunningham, Richard G. 24
Custodian, U. S. Courthouse 168
Cut-Rate Furniture Store 103
Davenport, John J. 96, 133
Davenport, John 132
Davenport, R. B., Jr. 61, 62
Davidson, J. J. 5, 7
Davidson, John J. 4
Davis, Allen, Jr. 7
Davis, Andru K. 7
Davis, Robert 7
Davis, Y. Mickey 104
Day, Dudley 7
Delony, E. B. W. 7
Derrick, William E. 4, 7
DeStefano, J. 160
Dickey, Bill 48
Dickey, Jennie T. 16
Dickey, W. E. 16
Dickson, Robert 7
Dicky, Ephraim 7
Dicky, Thomas F. 4
Dillard, George 7
Dincle, Sam & Co. 7
Ditto, James 5
Dixie Warehouse and Storage Company 40
Donahoo, Henry 7
Donahoo, J. S. 7
Double Cola Bottling Co. 55
Drake, Andrew 7
Draughon, Tom 57
Duke, Merrit 7
Dunnavant's Mall Merchants 135
Dunnavant's, Inc. 117
Dunnavant, P. S. 117
Earle, Harry U. 134
Easley, Joseph 7
Eason, William 7
East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway Co. 156
Easter, Campion 7
Eaves, Davison 7
Eaves, Davis 7
Edwards, J. S. 76
Eldridge, J. R. B. 7
Eleanor Shop 120
Ellett, James W. 118
Elliott, Richard 7
Elliott, Truman 122
Ellison, James 7
English, James 7
English, Joseph 7
Erwin, James 7
Erwin, Robert 7
Eslick Furniture Co. 118
Eslick, Henry H. 118
Estell, J. & J. 7
Estill, Jonathan 5
Evans, Claud V. 52
Evans, Nathaniel 7
Evans, Rosa H. 52
Evans, Thomas 5
Ewing, Stephen S. 2, 3, 6
F. W. Woolworth Co. 95
Fagan, Peter 7
Fain, Samuel 6
Farmer, Nathan 7
Farmer, Stephen 7
Fearn, Robert 8
Fennel, E. H. 7
Fennel, Isham 7
Fennel, W. H. 7
Fetze, Marshall 7
Fielder, Enos 4
Figures, W. B. 25
Fillpot, Horatio 7
Finlay, David B. 6
Flemming, Joe 134
Fletcher, Mrs. 7
Fletcher, Nathaniel 40
Fletcher, Thomas H. 5
Flippo, John 7
Ford Shoes 108
Ford, Ben 7
Ford, Peter M. 7
Ford, Richard 7
Foster, Joe S., Jr. 132
Foster, Joe S., Sr. 55
Fowler, Bill 132
Fowler, C. W. 50
Fowler, Grace 50
Fowler, James C. Tommy 128
Fowler, John D. 103
Fowler, Viola S. 103
Fowler, William, Jr. 128
Fowler, William, Sr. 128
Fowler, William 50
Fowlers 49, 50
Fox, W. D. 78
Frank, M. W. 130
Frank, Richard 130
Franks, B. 25
Freeman, James A. 91
Fulghum, Ray 115
Fulton, Samuel 7
Fuqua, Seth 7
Fuqua, Silas 5
Fusch, Leona, Mrs. 120
Futch, John 135
G. C. Murphy Co. 99
G. W. Jones & Sons 88
Gamble, W. T. 8
Gandrud, Pauline, Mrs. 88
Garrison, John 132
Garvin, Hettie 76
George, Thomas 8
Geron Lumber Co. 66, 106
Geron, Alice H. 66
Geron, R. P. 66, 106
Gibson, Hugh 8
Giles Seed Co. 64
Giles, M. E. 64
Giles, Ruth C. 64
Gill, Samuel C. 5
Gill-Starling Hardware Company 147
Glass, James 8
Glass, Vincent 4, 8
Glass, William 8
Glaze, Burnelle 8
Glover, William H. 8
Goldsmith, Lawrence 93
Goldstein, Abe 28, 100
Goldstein, Grace 28
Goldstein, Joe 28
Goldstein, Sandy 28
Goodloe, John H. 132
Gordon, James 8
Grace, C. H. 132
Graham, John 8
Graham, Samuel 8
Grammer, John 8
Grant, Thomas 8
Grantham, Samuel 8
Grantland ? 8
Grantland, T. & J. 8
Grantland, Thomas 8
Gray, David 8
Gray, James 8
Gray, John W. 8
Gray, John 8
Gray, Peter 8
Green, Mrs. 8
Greer, Robert 8
Gregory, Edmond 8
Griebel, R. L. 15, 99
Grier, Henry 4
Griffin, John 8
Griffin, Joseph 4
Griffin, William 8
Griffith, Isaac 8
Grimes, Hugh 8
Grimes, Samuel 8
Gurley, AL 61
Guthrie, Dudley 4
Gutrie, Dudly 4
H. Child & Co. 94
H. Wind 127
Halby, W. J. 4
Hale, Clyde 132
Hall, L. O., Mrs. 48
Hall, Matthew, Dr. 132
Hall, Natt 8
Hally, J. W. 8
Halsey, C. H. 17
Halsey, Kate, Miss 17
Halsey, Robert S. 17
Halsey, W. L., Jr. 17
Halsey, W. L. 17
Ham, James 8
Ham, William 8
Hambrick, Samuel 40
Handwall, Ezekiel 8
Harly, Thomas 8
Harris, Daniel 8
Harris, Egbert 8
Harris, Ira M., Jr. 108
Harris, Jada 135
Harris, Kinnon 8
Harrison, Ophilia 8
Harrison, R. A. 132
Harrison, Rose, Mrs. 111
Hart, Wwarren 4
Harton, John P. 4, 8
Hawkins, J. J. 8
Hawkins, James J. 8
Hawkins, John P. 8
Haws, Walker, dec'd 8
Hedden, W. T. 132
Heikes, William Fletcher 23
Henby, George 8
Henderson, B. H. 8
Hendrix, Aron 8
Hendrix, J. S. 5
Hendrix, J. 8
Henshaw, Gertrude 82
Henshaw, Howard O. 82, 84
Hest, Henry 8
Hewlett, Thomas 8
Hickman, J. H. 8
Hickman, J. P. 8
Hickman, John P. 3, 4
Hicks, John 8
Hicks, Richard 4
Higginbotham, Charles 8
Higginbotham, William 8
Hilding Holmberg Men's Wear, Inc. 128
Hill, Mary T. 88
Hill, William 4, 8
Hilliard, John 8
Hind, Wildman 8
Hine, Willis 4
Hix, Jessee 8
Hoarg (?), Harman 8
Hobbs, John 8
Hobson & Ewing 8
Hodges, James 8
Hogan, James 5
Hogan, John 8
Hogan, Samuel G. 4
Hogan, Samuel 8
Holland Bonded Warehouse 65
Holland, Ann Nixon 65
Holland, R. H. 65
Hollingsworth, James 5
Holmberg, Hilding 128
Holsey, John 8
Holt, Henry 8
Hood, John B. 8
Hookins, Eloa 8
Hornbuckle, Arnold 135
House, James M. 8
Houston, Samuel 8
Howard, Lucille 77
Howard, W. L. 76, 77
Hughes, Beverly 8
Hughes, Joseph 8
Huguley's 113
Huguley, E. J. 113
Huguley, H. M. 113
Humes, Thomas 8
Humphrey Twickenham Pharmacy 110
Humphrey, J. D., estate 110
Humphreys, Jessee 8
Huntsville Bank & Trust Company 159
Huntsville Butane Gas Co. 31, 33
Huntsville Railway, Light & Power Co. 164
Huntsville, AL 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174
Huntsville, City of 170
Hutchens & Murdock 150
Hutchens, Elizabeth Russell 53
Hutchens, Vernon F. 53
Hutchens, W. T. 53, 148, 149, 150, 153, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167, 174
Hutchings, S. D. 8
I. Wind & Co. 127
Ideal Baking Company 22
Inman, Ezekiel 8
Inman, John K. 4
Inman, John 8
Irvin Printing Company 43
Irvin, Bunny Ann 43
Irvin, Catherine Brady 43
Irvin, V. M. Bunny 43
J. DeStefano, Groceries 169
J. F. Hummel & Sons 163
J. H. McAnelly & Bro. 168
J. P. King Grocery Co. 166
J. Van Valkenburg & Sons 154
J. W. Blake & Bro. 148, 159
J. W. Skinner, Carriage Builder 165
Jamar, Mike 40
James M. Hutchens, Contractor & Builder 157
Joe Goldstein & Son, Inc. 100
Johnson & Mahoney 42, 101
Johnson and Mahoney 89, 90
Johnson, Cassandra Neece 89
Johnson, Elliot Mathews 90
Johnson, Herbert, Jr. 89, 90
Johnson, Herbert, Sr. 89
Johnson, J. H. 101
Johnson, J. Herbert, Jr. 101
Johnson, J. Oliver 88
Johnson, James 132
Johnson, Jean Mathews 90
Johnson, Stan 45
Johnston, John 8
Johnston, Thomas A. 8, 9
Johnston, Thomas 8
Johnston, William 8
Jones Hospital Pharmacy 48
Jones, Alma 30
Jones, Betsy 88
Jones, Betty Lou Campbell 48
Jones, Carl T. 88
Jones, Carl 88
Jones, Carolyn 88
Jones, Dwight 48
Jones, Edwin W. 88
Jones, Edwin 9, 88
Jones, Elizabeth 8
Jones, Frederick 8, 9
Jones, G. W. 88
Jones, Harvie P. 88
Jones, Howard 88
Jones, Irby 5
Jones, John J. 8
Jones, John 4
Jones, L. H. 8
Jones, Raymond 88
Jones, Ray 88
Jones, Roy 30
Jones, Walter B., Dr. 88
Jones, Walter 88
Jordan, Batt 9
Jordan, Henry 8, 9
Jordan, John G. 8
Jordon, Batt 8
Jordon, John of Batt 8
Jordon, John 8
Jordon, Solomon 8
Joseph Becker & Co. 5
Judding, John G. 8
Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. 13
Keese, Job 9
Keeton, John 9
Kelly, Moses 9
Kelly, T. R. 76
Kelly, William 3, 4
Kennedy, Charles 9
Kennedy, George 24
Kennedy, Martin 9
Kimrey, A. C., Jr. 124
King, Elisha F. 9
King, Mary 9
Kinzer, M. D., Jr. 92, 93
Kirach, Emily 88
Kling, Emily 37
Kling, Margaret R. 37
Kling, Nancy 37
Kling, William, Jr. 37
Kling, William 37
L. P. Pat Miller Insurance Agency 67
Lacey, Andrew 9
Lacky, Woods 9
Lamkins, Ezekiel 9
Lang, James 9
Lanier, Isaac 9
Lanier, Thomas 9
Lanier, William D. 9
Lanza Food Market 34, 36
Lanza, Beverly 34, 36
Lanza, Charles V., Jr. 34, 36
Lanza, Charles V. 34, 36
Lanza, Lucile S. 34, 36
Lawler, Levi 9
Ledbetter, Joel 5, 9
Leftwich, William D., Dr. 25
Lesslee, Williams 9
Lester, Miles 9
Lewis Charles 9
Lewis, John T. W. 9
Liberty National Life Insurance Company 72, 80
Lincoln, Jessee 4
Lion's Club 135
List of merchants 136
Little, C. D. 55
Little, Loyd H. 132
Lockhart, J. B. 9
Lockhart, James B. 9
Lockyear, Thomas 9
Logan, John 9
London Plumbing & Electric Co. 141, 146
Long, James 9
Looney & Williams 9
Looney, David 4
Louisville, KY 156
Love, Charles 9
Lowe, Barbara 41
Ludwig, B. F. 154, 156, 172, 173
Madison Co., AL 23
Madison Piano Co. 57
Madison, AL 134
Mahoney, Belle Fuller 90
Mahoney, George M., Jr. 90, 101
Mahoney, George M. 89, 90
Manning, John 73, 114
Marah (?), Joseph 5
Marcum, Arthur 9
Marja's 121
Marks, Steve 105
Martha-Gayle Shop 58, 59
Martin, Frederick 132
Martin, Hiram 9
Martin, John 3, 4
Martin, Thomas D. 5
Marx Realty & Improvement Co., Inc. 137
Mason Furniture Co. 73, 75
Mason Furniture Company 114
Mason, Ann, Miss 74
Mason, James R. 73, 114
Mason, James 9
Mason, Joel 9
Mason, Mabel Vaughn 74
Mason, Philip 132
Mason, W. O. 114
Mason, William Oscar 73
Mathews, Ben, IV 41
Mathews, Ben 40
Mathews, Lucy Girard 41
Mathews, Luke, Jr. 40, 41
Mathews, M. S. 40
Mathews, Margaret Sowell 41
Mathews, 40
Mayer, L. H. 25
Mays, Daniel 9
Maze, John 5
McAlister, John 2, 6
McAllister, John 3
McAmey, James 9
McAnally, Ogden H. 111
McBride, Charles 133
McBroom, Stephen 9
McBroom, Thomas 9
McBroom, William 9
McCain, Lucinda 9
McClary, William T., Col. 132
McClellan & Fletcher 9
McClendon, Jessee 9
McClendon, John 9
McClung, Lesly 5
McClung, Monty 9
McCorkle, Ray 57
McCraken, Samuel 9
McCurley, John 5
McCutchen, Joseph 9
McCutchin, J. D. 9
McCutching, J. D. 9
McDaniel, H. A., Dr. 25
McElhaney, William 9
McFail, Archer 9
McIlhaney, John 9
McIlhaney, Moses 9
McIntire, Peter 9
McKay, David 9
McKissick, William M., Dr. 132
McMahon, William 9
McVay, Hugh 9
McVey, Hugh 9
McWhirter, Hanas (?) 5
McWhorter, George 9
McWhorter, Hance 9
McWhorter, James 9
McWhoter, J. & J. 9
McWilliams, Andrew 9
Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company 172
Meridianville, AL 135
Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios 104
Milam, Ronald 48
Mille, Pat, Jr. 67
Miller, Douglas 67
Miller, Grace 67
Miller, L. P. 67
Miller, Martin 9
Miller, William C., Mrs. 74
Mitchell, Henry 9
Mitchell, James 9
Mitchell, Joseph 9
Mitchell, Richard 9
Mitchell, T. B. 9
Monroe, David 9
Monroe, H. E., Jr. 132
Monroe, W. P. 106
Montgomery, John 9
Moody & Keys 9
Moore, Elvalena 88
Moore, Gabriel 9
Moore, James 9
Moore, John F. 9
Moore, Richard 9
Moore, Robert 9
Moreman, Charles 9
Morgan, Eugene 132
Morgan, Thomas 9
Morgan, William Eugene 133
Morring, Carl A., Jr. 132
Morrison's Men's Wear 107
Morrison, J. C. 107
Morrow, James F. 25
Moseley, George 9
Mosely, George 5
Moss, Herman L. 23
Mount, William 9
Mullins, Thomas 9
Mullins, William 9
Murdock, A. J. 150
Muroe, David 9
Murray, Lucey 9
Murry, John 9
Nabors, Francis 9
Nance, H. S. 162
Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis R'Y 173
Neeley, Andrews 5
Neely, Andrew 9
Neely, James 9
Nelson, Robert 5
Nerren, Guy B. 132
Nesmith, John 9
Newman, F. H., Dr. 25
Newsom, James B. 9
Nickens, Donald 129
Noojin, F. K. 99
Nursery Industry 23
O'Neal, R. L. 142, 145
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation 46
Oliver, Dick 133
Ophelia ? 8
Otey & Stephens 10
Otto Dukes & Co. 172
Owens, William P. 10
Owens, William 10
Owsley, Seth 10
Page, Lewis 5
Parham, William W. 10
Parish, Peterson 10
Parker, John 10
Parkway Shopp[ing Center 15
Parris Piano & Organ Co. 115
Parsons, William 10
Patch, Ezra 10
Pate Supply Company 69
Pate, E. Joe 69
Pate, Eva Hanna 69
Pate, John 10
Patrick, John 10
Patterson, G. T. 12
Patterson, William 5, 10
Patteson, Benjamin 2, 3
Patton, William 2, 3, 6
Pauling, William K. 4
Pawling, William K. 3
Payne, Jan 88
Payne, Joel 125
Pearman, Ray 132
Pelly, Gaydon 5
Peoples, Joseph D. 5
Percer, Tom 133
Perkins, Nicholas 10
Perkins, Peter 10
Petay, Gabel 10
Peters, Freeman 10
Petterson, William 10
Pettie, J. D. 126
Petty, Gaydon 5
Phemister, William 10
Phillips, Joseph 10
Phillips, Thomas M. 88
Piper, Charles D. 95
Pizitz Department Store 96
Pizitz, Abe 97
Pizitz, Harold 97
Pizitz, Norman 97
Pond, Stephen 10
Poore? 10
Pope & Hickman 10
Pope, Leroy 10
Pope, N. & T. M. 10
Pope, Nicholas 10
Pope, William 3
Pope, Willis 10
Pore, John 10
Porter, James B. 10
Posey, Margaret 121
Posey, Martin Jay 121
Poss, Margaret Ann 71
Post Office Dept. of Huntsville, Ala. 169
Pratt, Barnard 10
Pride, Burton 10
Pride, Hugh 10
Pride, Thomas 5, 10
Pritchard, Fances 5
Pritchard, James 3
Prout, Joshua 10
Prout, W. H. 10
Pryor, Richard 10
Purdom & Pritchard 2
Purdom and Pritchard 2
Purdom, R. B. 2
Purdom, Richard B. & wife 2
Purdom, Richard B. 3, 6
Purdom, Susan B. 3
Purvis, John 10
Puryear, Natt 10
Ragland Brothers, Co., Inc. 27
Ragsdale, S. 5
Ragsdale, Samuel 10
Rainey, Ruth 131
Raithel, Inge 88
Rambolt, Elisha 10
Randill, Anyon 5
Randills, David 5
Rather, John T. 10
Ray Auto Co., Inc. 81, 82, 83
Ray, Bertha 82, 83
Ray, Bill 112
Ray, Coyle 81, 82, 83
Ray, Elizabeth S. 83
Ray, Elizabeth 81
Ray, Glenn 83
Ray, Morgan 81, 83
Ray, W. H. 76
Ray, William Herbert 81, 83
Ready, N. 10
Record, James 12, 15, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 133
reco 134
Reedy, John 10
Reedy, Nicholas 10
Renneks, William 10
Reno, Lewis 10
Reviere, John E. 10
Rhea, John 10
Richard, Rison 10
Richards, Avan 10
Richards, Evan 10
Richardson, John 133
Richmond, Black 10
Riley, Thomas 5
Robert P. Weeden (Insurance) 145
Roberts & Vaughan 10
Roberts, Roscoe 133
Roberts, Thomas K. 5
Roberts, U. G., Jr. 88
Robinson Bonded Warehoue 68
Robinson Bonded Warehouse 32
Robinson, G. N., Jr. 32
Robinson, G. N., Sr. 32
Robinson, G. N. 68
Robinson, George Newman 32
Robinson, Virginia G. 68
Robinson, Virginia Gordon 32
Robinson, W. R. 116
Robison, Benjamin 5
Robison, George 5
Robison, Hardy 5, 10
Robison, Nelson 10
Robison, William 10
Rodgers, Ben B. 10
Rodgers, George 5
Rodgers, Moses 5
Rodgers, Robert M. 10
Roger Williams Company 63
Ronalds & Noble 10
Roper's Flowers 38
Roper, Frances P. 38
Roper, Nolan L. 38
Rose, George W. 10
Ross Jewelry 130
Russell Stover Candies, Inc. 102
Russell, Albert 10
Russell, C. M. 29, 132
Ryan, W. T. 88
Ryley, Andrew 10
Ryley, Thomas 5
Ryman, Glen 45
Sadler, Isaac 10
Salmon, Louis 132
Samford, Frank P. 72
Sanford, Mrs. 133
Saunders, John 125
Saunders, William 10, 11
Saylor, Joe W. 105
Scales, Henry 10
Schmeider, David, Mrs. 88
Schrimsher, Dorman 132
Scott, Thomas S. 5
Scruggs, William B. 10
Seay, William G. 11
Sefton, F. N. 76
Seviere, Richard 10
Sewell, Charles 5
Sharp, Joseph 10
Sheffey, L. B., Dr. 25
Shenault, Morris 10
Shenault, Stephen 10
Shepman, Mathew 10
Sherrill, J. Glenn 61, 62
Sherrill, S. N. 62
Sherwin-Williams Co. 126
Sherwood, John 5
Shields, George 10
Shore, D. R. 134
Shultz, James L. 13
Simmerman, Katherine 88
Simmons, Charles 10
Simmons, Vincent 10
Simmons, William 5
Simpson, Robert 10
Sively, Joseph, estate 25
Sively 10
Sivily, John 10
Smith, Dudley 128
Smith, E. David 135
Smith, Isaac 11
Smith, Jeff 128
Smith, John 10
Smith, Richard 5
Smith, Rosanna 10
Smith, Stephan 10
Smith, William 10
Smith-Alsop Paint Co. 125
Southern Shoe Store 94
Space City Lion's Club 135
Spence, Joseph 10
Spence, Peyton 5
Spence, Solomon 5
Spencer, Guy J., Jr. 132
Spring City Coal Co. 153
Sprowl, James 10
Standard Oil 131
Star Market 29
Starke, William 10
Starky, Jonathan 10
State National Bank 76, 77
Steager, John P. 10
Stella's Beauty Shoppe 56
Stenson, Robert 10
Stergis, William 5
Stevens, Bill 131
Stokes, Charles A. 10
Stokes, Charles 5
Stokes, Henry 5, 10
Stowers, Joseph F., Dr. 132
Stray, John L. 10
Street, William 10
Strong, Thomas 10
Super Stores Inc. 109
Talbot (?), Clayton 11
Talbot, Cayton 11
Talley, Bill 48
Talley, Evelyn 88
Tate, Miton 60
Tate, Waddy 11
Tate, William 11
Taylor & Foot 11
Taylor, Bessie Virginia Webb 79
Taylor, George 11
Taylor, Herman G., Jr. 79
Taylor, Herman G., Sr. 79
Taylor, Herman, Jr. 78
Taylor, Herman, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. 78
Taylor, Jeremiah 11
Taylor, John M. 11
Taylor, Mattie Lemley 78
Taylor, Thomas R. 78
Teague, Isaac 11
Teague, Magness 11
Tedford, Alexander 11
Terre Haute, IN 125
Terry, Ira M. 118
Terry, Jeff H. 60
Terry-Tate Realty Company 60
The Alabama Republican 2
The Huntsville Gas Light Company 151, 152
The Huntsville Transfer Co. 155
The Hutchens Company 53
The Jewel Shop 26
The Krystal Co. 61, 62
The Mall (north half) 140
The Mall (south half) 139
The Mall 138
The Ritz Cafe 78, 79
Thomas, Loyd 11
Thomas, Margarett 11
Thomas, Stephen 11
Thomas, William 11
Thompson, David 5, 11
Thompson, Neal 11
Thompson, W. W. 5
Thorn, Presly 5
Throneberry General Contractors 44
Throneberry, Amy Sanderson 44
Throneberry, J. R. 44
Throneberry, M. E. 44
Throneberry, Pauline Satterfield 44
Timberlake & Nance 162
Timberlake, D. A. 162
Tipton, Stephen 5
Titus, E. 5
Top Dollar Stores Inc. 122
Tribble, C. H. 76
Trimble, Archibald 11
Tripp, Samuel 11
Troop, James 5
Trotter, James 11
Truman, Harry, Pres. 82
Turner, Donalson 11
Turner, James 11
Turner, John, Jr. 11
Turner, John, Sr. 11
Turner, John 5
Turner, Samuel 11
Turner, Sugars, Jr. 11
Turner, Thomas 11
Tuscaloosa, AL 74
Tyson, H. E., Mrs. 58, 59
U. S. Custom House & Court House 153
U. S. Post Office 170
Uncle Sam Loan Office 116
Union Dry Goods Co. 111
Uptain, Dorsey 133
Valley Pride Packing Co., Inc. 37
Van Valkenburgh, J. 154
Van Valkenburgh, R. P. 132
Vann, Dewey, Jr., Mrs. 74
Vaughan, David 11
Vaughan, Mulkagy 11
Vaughan, Robert 25
Venable, J. M. 25
Victor's Budget Shop 129
Vincent, Alexander 11
Vineyard, James 11
Vining, Thomas 11
W. L. Halsey Grocery Co., Inc. 17
W. L. Halsey, Groceries 174
W. T. Hutchens 142
Walker, Jimmy 132
Walker, John W., Mrs. 88
Wall, Conrad 11
Wall, James A. 5
Wamble, Ben 11
Ward, Ansel 11
Ward, Joseph 11
Ward, Matt 11
Warley, George 11
Warner, Albert 56
Warner, Dorothy 56
Warner, Lewis 56
Warner, Stella, Mrs. 56
Warren, Isaac 11
Warren, Mrs. 11
Warson, Alexander 11
Washington, Gilbert 5
Wasson, Hugh, Jr. 22
Wasson, Joberta 22
Water Rates 171
Watkins, Isham 11
Watkins, John F. 11
Watkins, Susan 11
Watkins, William, Capt. 11
Weal, William 11
Weaver, Elijah 11
Weaver, Hannah 11
Weaver, Hanna 11
Webb, James 11
Webster, John 11
Weil ? 11
Weil, Bernice 70
Weil, Jean Angel 71
Weil, M. L., Jr. 70, 71
Weil, M. L. 70
Weil, S. L., Jr. 70, 71
Weil, S. L. 70
Weinstein, David 26
Weinstein, Elsie 26
Weinstein, Maurice J. (Doody) 26
Weinstein, Pamela 26
Welch, Marguerite, Mrs. 102
Wendle, William 11
Wharton, John 11
Whatley, William R. 132
Wheat, Elmo T. 88
Wheelbright, 11
White, Bryson 5
White, Phoebe 88
Whitfield, Bynum (?) 11
Whitfield, Byrum 11
Whitman, R. R. 173
Wiberrsky, Alex 116
Wilcoxon, Benton H. 46
Wilder, Daniel 11
Wilders, George 11
Wilkins, William 11
Willa's 92, 93
Willburne, William 11
Williams & Woodside 11
Williams, Agness 11
Williams, Anne Hatcher 63
Williams, J. D. 29
Williams, M. D. 5, 11
Williams, Roger 63
Williams, Samuel 11
Williams, William 11
Williamson, J. P. 11
Williamson, Jessee P. 11
Williamson, John 11
Williamson, Robert 11
Wilson, Barbary 11
Wilson, Lucinda 11
Wind, Philip B. 127
Windham, J. 11
Winn, Banister 11
Winston, John, Jr. 11
Womack, Robert 133
Wood, John L. 5
Wood, Robert J. 5
Wood, Robert 11
Woodcoke, J. H., Dr. 11
Woodfin, Thomas 5
Woodfin, William 5
Woody, Martin 5
Woolbright & Horton 11
Worley ? 11
Wyatt, William 5
Yarbrough Brothers Hardware Co. 144
Young, Ewing 5, 11
Young, James A. 5
Zale's Jewelers, Inc. 105

Repository Details

Part of the The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives & Special Collections Repository

M. Louis Salmon Library
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville Alabama 35899 United States of America