Huntsville High School Reunions and News Articles, 1943 - 1968
Scope and Contents
The Frances Cabaniss Roberts collection covers the historical records of the Cabaniss Roberts family. This collection contains extensive correspondence records of the Cabaniss Roberts family circa 1830 to 1930.
- Creation: 1830 - 1930
- From the Collection: Roberts, Frances Cabaniss, Dr. (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research in the Archives & Special Collections reading room. Handling guidelines and use restrictions will be communicated and enforced by archives staff members.
From the Collection: 105 Linear feet (143 boxes and 19 oversize.)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
, Annie, Miss 4, 5
? After Graduation 43
Acuff, Johna Belle 53
Adair, Dorothy, Miss 1, 25, 29, 41
Adair, Dorothy 8, 22
Adams, Daniel D., Mrs. 15
Adams, Dan 9
Adams, Louise 53
Adams, Peggy 57
Adkins, Gene, Mrs. 61
Alexander, Charles 57
Alexander, Lillie Maude, Mrs. 57
Allen, Bryant, Mrs. 58
Allen, Gladys 45
Allred, Jane 45
Alma Mater - HHS 20
Amis, Reese, Mrs. 2
Anderson, Bettye 27
Anderson, Bill 53
Anderson, Clint 27
Anderson, Dusty 4, 5
Anderson, Paul 45
Andrews, Curtiss 41
Andrews, Elbert 53
Andrews, Evelyn 53
Andrews, Mary Lee 9, 42
Annerton, David 27
Archibald, Bob, Rev. 26
Archibald, Bob 25, 27
Arnett, Charles, Mrs. 1
Atchley, David 41
Atkinson, Don 41
Atkinson, Dorothy 57
Atkinson, Robert L. 57
Aycock, Alfred 7, 8, 9, 19, 41
Aycock, Ellen 27
Bailey, Doris 27
Baker, Eugenia 27
Baker, Josephine 9
Baker, Monroe 9, 42
Baker, Norma Jean 57
Baker, W. C. 9
Barkley, Bill 45
Barnett, Edith Chaney 1, 46
Barnett, Frank, Mrs. 57
Barron, Charles, Mrs. 57
Barron, Florine 27
Bates, Douglas, Mrs. 61
Bates, Marion Schild 1
Bates, Marion Shields 46
Baugher, Bob 33
Baxter, Ann 27
Baxter, James 9
Baxter, Jimmy 7
Beamguard, Betty 41
Beason, Fred & Mary Van Jones 19
Beckman, Thomas J. 29
Begalka, Walt, Mrs. 59
Bell, Juanita 29
Bell, Mary Eula 27
Bellis, Bernell 27
Bennett, Mildred 27
Benson, Raymond, Mrs. 61
Berry, Charles 3, 57
Berry, James & Sandra 18
Berry, James S., Jr. 9
Berry, James 42
Berry, Milton Rand, CPO (KIA) 3
Berry, Minnie 53
Betsch, Emily 57
Billingsley, C. M. (Bill), Jr. 29
Black, Arlie 27
Blakemore, Marion 53
Blanton, Mary Ann 9, 18, 33, 41, 45
Bledsoe, L. A., Jr. 46, 57
Bledsoe, L. A. 1
Bledsoe, Teddy 33
Brackeen, Laura Louise 27
Bragg, Jimmy 50
Bragg, Jim 52, 53
Bragg, Leonard 9, 27
Brannon, Buradette 27
Brewer, Clara 45
Brewster, A. D. 10
Brewster, Jeanette Hill 19
Bridges, Joe 53
Bright, Bert 46, 57
Bright, Bettie Ann 53
Brooks, Ernest 57
Brooks, Thomas 57
Brooks, William E., Major 57
Brosemer, Philip & Virginia 18
Brosemer, Philip 8, 9, 12, 17, 42
Brown, Claude Kelley 9
Brown, Kelley 8, 17
Brown, Merle 53
Brown, Robert 9, 42
Browning, Helen Edith 29
Broyles, Sam Canada 22
Bruce, Louise Parker 57
Bryant, Edna 27
Bryant, Peggy 9
Buchanan, Elizabeth 9, 16, 41, 42, 45
Buntley, Billy D. 29
Burress, Sandra 41
Busbin, Margaret 53
Byrne, Jack 9, 16, 42
Callas, James 57
Cambron, Katherine 57
Campbell, Donald 11
Campbell, Ed 53
Campbell, June Luna 15
Campbell, Loretta 11
Caneer, Betty 14, 27
Caneer, Bill 53
Canterberry, Donald & Ritalynne 19
Canterberry, Donald 9
Carson, John C., Maj. 55
Carter, Harry 25
Carter, Jack 18
Carter, Joe 53
Carter, John A. 14
Carter, John M., Jr. 57
Carter, Peggy 9, 15
Carter, Richard 27
Cason, Charles 9, 17, 41
Chambers, Patsy 7, 9, 42
Chandler, William 45
Chaney, Cecil 7, 9, 17, 45
Chaney, Edith Glenn 57
Chapman, Buddy 29
Citrano, Mary Jane 9
Citrano, Sammy J. 27
Clark, Ben H. 57
Clark, Ben 4
Clark, Catherine Davies, Miss 4
Clark, Malcolm 45
Clark, Ralph 41
Clark, Robert, Sgt. 4
Clark, Voncillar 41
Class Day Program Cast - HHS Class of 1949 35
Class History - Huntsville High School Class of 1949 35
Class of 1946 Reunion 46
Class Prophecy - HHS Class of 1949 38
Class Will - Huntsville High School Class of 1949 35
Coates, Lois Walker 22
Cobb, Bill 11, 17
Cobb, Wayne 10
Cobb, William (Billy), Jr. 9
Coble, Betty Lou 53
Cole, Marion 1
Cole, Nickey 57
Coleman, Donald 9
Compton, Bryan W., Mrs. 61
Congo, Earline 10
Cooley, Creighton Ann 10, 42
Coons, Harry 25, 27
Coons, Sue Chase 57
Cornelison, Corbet N. 57
Corum, Bernard 53
Counts, Marjorie Nell 53
Courtnet, Janet 33
Cowan, Betty 53
Cowley, A. G. 29, 53
Cowley, Joyce 10
Cowley, Kenneth 22
Cox, O. H. (Buddy) 27
Cox, Robert (Bobby) 27
Cozelos, Charles L. 55
Crabtree, Janet 41
Cramer, Charles Philip 57
Cramer, Philip 27
Cramer, Robert 57
Cramer, Vernon 27
Crane, Frank, Dr. 42
Crawford, Sarah 57
Crim, Florence 10
Crunk, Grady, Jr. 57
Crunk, Grady 1
Cruse, Jackie 41
Culclasure, Gerald 10, 15
Culclasure, Jackie 34
Culclasure, Jerry 42, 45
Cullom, William (Bill) 10
Cummings, Charles 27
Cummings, Mary Anne 57
Damsky, Louise 58
Daniel, A. C. 27
Daniel, Barnie, Jr. 58
Daniel, Jay 53
Dark, Mrs. 5
Davis, Helen 58
Davis, Joe, Mr. 7
Davis, Joe 29
Davis, Sue 58
Davis, W. E., Mrs. 61
Daye, Joyce 58
De Young, Bob, Mrs. 59
Dement, H. W., Mrs. 57
DeYoung, Nellie Ann 27
Dickey, K. E., Jr. 58
Dickson, Bobby, Lieut. (KIA) 2
Dickson, Dick 4, 5
Dickson, Fannie R., Mrs. 2
Dickson, John 33
Dickson, Mary Louise 58
DiEmidio, Chester G., Mrs. 15
DiEmidio, Chester G. 11
Dillard, Donna Mai 58
Dillard, Nancy 10, 17, 42
Dillingham, Charles K., Jr. (MIA) 2
Dillingham, Charles K., Sr. 2
Dilworth, Bill, Mr. & Mrs. 52
Dilworth, Bill 50
Dilworth, Lorene 50
Donavon, Vivian, Mrs. 29
Douglas, Barbara 27
Drake, Leroy, Mrs. 29
Dreger, Alvin 41
Dryer, C. Edmund, Mrs. 58
Dryer, Thurston 58
Duffey, Gene Elizabeth 58
Dunlap, Elizabeth 10, 16
Dunlap, Johna Belle Acuff 50
Dupree, Edward 58
Duren, Olin Kelly, Mrs. 58
Dyer, James M. 14
Easterling, Leon, Mrs. 60
Eaton, Ellen 27
Edwards, Charles K. & Carolyn Henshaw 19
Edwards, Charles K. 11
Edwards, Wilodene Manning 1
Edwards, Wilodene, Mrs. 60
Elkins, James 29
Elkins, Leon (dec'd) 54
Elliott, Addie 58
Elliott, Helen 4
Elliott, T. E., Mrs. 58
Erwin, Dot Lloyd 50
Esslinger, Mary Jane 28
Esslinger, Nancy 10
Fanning, Thomas 1, 58
Fine, Ruth 45
Finley, John, Jr., prin. 33, 41
Finly, Evelyn 58
Fisher, Earl 50, 54
Flack, Betty 10, 41
Fleming, Martha Crute 22, 23
Fondren, W. D., Mrs. 59
Forbes, H. B. (Jimmy) 27
Ford, Eva Record 23
Ford, Frank 27
Foster, Louis 27
Fox, Mary Ella 41
Foyer, Henry 29
Fullington, Josephine Baker 15
Fullington, Joseph 9
Fulton, Don, Mrs. 58
Gardiner, Joyce Cowley 17
Gardiner, Leland & Barbara 18
Gardiner, Leland 10
Gardner, Bennie R. 10
Garvin, Mary Eleanor Mazza 50
Gates, Frances 25, 27
Gates, Martha Byrd 58
George, James 27
Geron, Dick 29
Gibson, Marion 1, 58
Gibson, Tom 50, 54
Giles, Jack 22
Gill, Harrison 27
Gilliam, Catherine Kelly 1, 46
Gilliam, Richard, Fr., Mrs. 59
Gilliam, Richard, Jr., Mrs. 1
Gilliam, Thomas A. 54
Gillispie, Joyce 9
Gipson, Terry, Mrs. 61
Given, Ann 10, 18, 42
Goodson, Bill 45
Goodson, Mary Lou 13
Goodwin, Jimmy 45
Gore, Howard 27
Grace, Mary Jane 46, 58
Grant, Carolyn 45
Green, Clarence, Mrs. 60
Green, Marilyn 41
Green, Oliver L. 10
Green, Ollie 15
Greene, Betty June 54
Greene, Jim 54
Greene, Robert 27
Griffin, Bill 50, 54
Grote, Carl, Jr. 58
Gupton, Ramona 27
Gutherie, Tom 58
Guthrie, Tom 27
H H S Class of 1950 Reunion 8
Haas, James 45
Halcomb, Jo 27
Hall, Ella Mae 41
Hall, John 27, 58
Hall, Nancy 33
Hamm, Evins 33
Hamm, Mr. 4
Hamm, W. G., Mrs. 1, 29
Hannah, Gene 10
Hannah, Mary Ann Holder 16
Harless, Mary Jane 58
Harper, Billy Jim 58
Harris, Betty Jo 27
Harris, Mollie Sue 13
Harrison, Vera 58
Hart, L. Leroy 58
Hauer, Chris, Jr. 9
Hauer, Chris, Mrs. 16
Hauer, Chris 54
Hay, Adalene Kelly 46
Hay, Adelene Kelly 1
Hay, Jack, Mrs. 59
Hayes, Martha 54
Hegwood, Bobby 41
Helton, James W., Mrs. 15
Helton, James W. 13
Hendon, Annie E. 10, 17
Henley, James 54
Henley, Jimmy 50
Henley, Rita 59
Henry, H. N., Jr. 10
Henry, H. Neely, Jr., Lt. Col. 17
Henry, Margaret Ann 29
Henry, Neely 29
Hensley, Betty 25, 27
Hensley, Ed 54
Henson, Mary Lee Andrews 19
Henson, Mary Lee, Mrs. 9
Herrin, Jimmy 41
HHH Class of 1946 Reunion - teachers list 48
HHS Alma Mater 51
HHS Class of 1946 Reunion - attended reunion list 47
HHS Class of 1946 Reunion - could not attend list 47
HHS Class of 1946 Reunion - In Memorium list 47
HHS Class of 1946 Reunion 47
HHS Class of 1947 Reunion 56
HHS Class of 1948 Reunion 49, 50
HHS Class of 1948 57
HHS Class of 1950 20th Reunion 6
Hicks, Euel 28
Hicks, Howard L., Mrs. 58
Higginbotham, Billy 11
Higginbotham, Bill 18
Higgins, James 59
Hill, Buster, Maj. 17
Hill, Buster 7, 42
Hill, Jeanette 10, 41
Hill, Joe 10, 11, 41
Hill, Marvin (Buster), Maj. 10
Hindman, Danny 15
Hindman, Dan 8, 11
Hindman, Jane 54
Hindman, Stella 15
Hines, Ann 27
Hines, Ray 29
Hines, Roy 59
Hinshaw, Carolyn 11, 41, 42, 45
Hipps, Evelyn 27
Holcomb, Elaine 11
Holcomb, Elayne 19
Holder, Betty (dec'd) 55
Holder, Jerry 27
Holder, Mary Ann 7, 10, 41, 42
Holliman, James 27
Hollingshead, Kenneth 11, 15
Hollingshead, Patsy 41
Hollingshead, Ted 41
Hollingsworth, Florence Crim 16
Hollingsworth, W. C. 10
Holloway, Ann 27
Holmes, Joan 11
Holmes, John A. (dec'd) 54
Holt, Hazel 54
Honey, Catherine 59
Hopper, Charles 18
Hopper, Mitchell, Mrs. 1
Hornbuckle, Betty 7, 10, 11
Horne, Mary Lou 27
Hosch, Virginia 27
Housman, Ann 27
Howard, Dale, Mrs. 57
Howard, Eugene (dec'd) 54
Howard, Jean Shepard 11
Hucks, Lonus 11, 16
Hughes, Donald 27
Hughes, Vivian 59
Hughey, Exie Mae 11
Hulsey, H. A. 29
Hulsey, Ramona 28
Hunt, Earnest 54
Hunt, Pete 11
Hunt, Sue Fanning 11
Huntsville High Alma Mater 32
Huntsville High School - Class of 1947 27
Huntsville High School - Class of 1948 53, 54, 55
Huntsville High School 1930's Class Reunion 22
Huntsville High School Class of 1948 Reunion 1
Huntsville High School Sports 45
Huntsville High School 44
Huntsville, AL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Hutchens, Betty 59
Hymer, Arvel 28
Ingalls, John, Mrs. 61
Jacks, Arnold B., Sgt. 2
Jacks, Catherine 28
Jacks, Francis 59
Jacks, Iva Jean 54
Jacks, J. B., Mr. & Mrs. 2
Jacoby, Natalie 59
Jacoby, Nathan 59
Jean, Royall 41
Jenkins, Charlsie 59
Jessick, Donald 12
Johnson, Billy 59
Johnson, Bill 11
Johnson, Joan Holmes 17
Johnson, June P. 25
Johnson, June Pitts 26
Johnson, Leroy 11, 16
Johnson, Marilee 41
Jones, Barbara 41
Jones, Billy, Mrs. 61
Jones, Billy 59
Jones, Christine, Mrs. 29
Jones, Geneva 11, 16
Jones, Nancy (Anna) 59
Jones, Udith 59
Jordan, Donald G., Mrs. 58
Jordan, Mary Jane Grace 1
Kauffman, Freddy 28
Kaufmann, Ernest 12
Kelly, Adalene 59
Kelly, Catherine 59
Kelly, Josh, Mr. & Mrs. 33
Kelly, Martha 42
Kelly, Sallie B. 9, 11, 17, 42
Kennedy, Alice 11
Kennedy, Margaret Alice 15
Kerr, Helen 54
Kilpatrick, Joyce 45
Knight, Billy (Moore) 12
Kull, Marie 11, 18, 42
Kurtz, George, Mrs. 58
Lacy's Spring, AL 1
Lamson, DeForest, Mrs. 1
Lane, Bill 59
Lanza, Johnny & Loretta 19
Lanza, Johnny C. 11
Lanza, Sam 54
Larkin, John 59
Last Will & Testament Senior Class of 1950 44
Laughlin, Edward H. 14
Laughlin, Ed 18
Lawler, Dollyie 54
Lawler, Judy 59
Lawrence, Iva Jean Jacks 50
Lee, Jimmy 59
Lehman, Dot Stone 46
Lehman, Eleanor 11, 15, 41
Lehman, Rand, Mrs. 1, 61
Lemley, Clark 13
Lewis, June Fitts 21
Ligon, Betty 33
Limbaugh, Wanda 41
Lloyd, Dorothy 54
Long, Eugene 11, 15
Long, Lloyd B. 59
Long, Lloyd 59
Lowery, Lucy 45
Lowry, Bob, Jr. 55
Luna, June 11, 42
Luttrell, Ray 28
Lutz, Hartwell & Nancy 19
Lutz, Hartwell 11, 41
Lyle, Charlie 26
Lynch, Douglas 28
Lynch, Mary Kate 59
Macks, Morton J., Mrs. 58
Macon, Joan Holmes 41, 42
Macon, Joe Ed 59
Maddox, Gayle 41
Maddox, Helen 11, 42
Magness, Joyce 45
Mahoney, George 33
Manley, Hugh, Mrs. 61
Manning, Thomas 54
Manning, Wilodene 60
Maples, Frankie 29
Marshall, Eddy R. 11
Marshall, Exie Mae Hughey 19
Martin, Betsy 54
Martin, Marvin 1, 60
Martin, Nancy 11
Martinson, Anita Barnes 23
Martz, Leslie 55
Mason, Helen, Miss 4, 5
Mason, J. R., Mr. & Mrs. 4, 5
Mason, Mary Elizabeth 60
Mathias, Louise 41
Matthews, Mary Gray 54
Matthews, Olive 28
Matthews, Viola 29
Mayes, Emmet, Mrs. 60
Mazza, Mary Eleanor 54
McBride, Charles W. 12, 17
McBride, Emma Lee 54
McBride, Hoyt & Carolyn Osborne 19
McBride, Hoyt 12, 41
McBride, Judy 54
McCaleb, Betty Hutchens 1, 46
McCaleb, John, Jr. 59
McClure, Dorothy 59
McCullough, Joan 59
McCullough, Richard 59
McCullough, Virginia 9, 12, 17
McDaniel, Robert, Mrs. 57
McDaniel, Sue Coons 1
McDonald, Cricket 2, 3
McDonald, Thomas D. 22
McGaha, Leonard 41
McGaha, Mary Frances 28
McKee, Bob 8
McKee, Covey 41
McKee, J., Mrs. 41
McKee, Robert 12, 17, 42
McKenzie, James 59
McKenzie, Margaret Busbin 50
McLain, John 50
McLean, Carrie W. 25
McLean, Carrie Will 28
McLean, Janice 12, 16
McLean, John 54
McPheron, Gene 41
McPherron, Eugene (dec'd) 12, 19
McQuinnis, Gaston Owen 29
Meacham, Betty Jean 45
Means, Loretta 54
Means, Pauline 12, 17
Merts, Annie, Miss 33
Meyer, Frank 12
Michael, J. E. 54
Milford, Guy 29
Miller, Delores Savage 19
Miller, Graham 54
Miller, J. W., Mrs. 1, 59
Miller, J. Willard, Dr. 1, 46
Miller, Kenneth L. 13
Miller, Sue 12
Miller, William 29
Milner, John 54
Milner, Robert 28
Monroe, Gene 55
Monroe, Joe 28
Monroe, Josie 60
Moon, Mattie Lou 45
Moore, Billy 41
Moore, Claude 54
Moore, Doris Q., Mrs. 12
Moore, Ed 60
Moore, Eugene, Mrs. 60
Moore, Wilma 41
Moorman, Bobby 45
Moose, Dorman 33
Morring, Carl, Capt. 2, 3
Morring, Frank, Private 2
Morrison, Frances, Mrs. 60
Morrison, Richard, Mrs. 57
Morrow, Laverne 54
Mullins, Evelyn 54
Mullis, Joyce 12
Murphree, Bert 29
Murphy, Jere M. 27
Neely, Betty Jo 60
Neely, Robert E. 12
Neely, Robert Earl 17
Neely, Robert 12
Neil, Margaret, Miss 1, 29
Nelson, Betty June 60
Newby, Douglass 12
Nichols, Emily Sue 60
Nichols, Wayne 28
Nichols, Wesley, Mrs. 57
Norton, Herbert W., Major & Mrs. 58
Noto, Joe 9
Nunley, Joyce 29
O'Rear, Juanita 28
Orgain, Betty 60
Osborne, Carol 12
Osborne, Sue 54
Oswald, W. E. 13
p. 4 44
Palmerlee, James 41
Palmerlee, Sally Ann 28
Parish, Nelson Corky 60
Parish, Nelson 1, 46
Parker, Elaine H., Mrs. 11
Parks, Peggy 41
Parrish, Mary Towery 26
Parsons, Thomas A., Mrs. 58
Parvin, Charles 54
Parvin, Frances 60
Patterson, Dorothy 60
Patterson, Nancy 9
Payn, Ellis, Mrs. 60
Payne, Hal 1, 60
Payne, Joe, Capt. 2, 3
Payne, Norris, Mr. & Mrs. 2, 3
Peake, Jack 54
Pearsall, Chester 28
Pedigo, Carolyn 28
Perkinson, Marianne 12, 17, 41, 42
Perry, Bobby 17, 41, 42, 45
Perry, Robert A. 12, 14
Pettus, Dick, Mrs. 60
Phillips, Janice 41, 45
Phillips, Martin 23
Pitts, June 28
Pizitz, Norman 28
Polk, Emily, Mrs. 60
Pope, Ann 33
Porter, Creston 28, 60
Porter, Paul (dec'd) 13
Porter, Sara Lou Stanford 18
Priest, Kenneth 10
Priest, Nancy Esslinger 16
Prince, Alice 60
Prince, Charlie, Mrs. 59
Prince, Mable 60
Prince, Reginia 54
Projections Into The Future 43
Prosser, Austin 12
Pruit, Arthur 54
Pullen, Charles 7, 8, 12, 19, 42
Quick, Doris 12
Quillen, Mary Belle, Miss 4, 5
Radke, Robert, Mrs. 1
Ragland, Ed 14, 19
Randolph, Paul 13
Ray, Dorothy 12, 17
Ray, Dot 12
Ray, Emogene 60
Ray, Katy Jo 54
Ray, Sue Davis 28
Record, James 22
Reeder, Jimmy 28
Reeves, Catherine Dunnavant 23
Regean, Mykey 13
Rehm, Helen Maddox 18
Rehm, William L. 11
Reid, Robert, Mrs. 60
Renegar, J. C., Mrs. 60
Richardson, Frances 12
Riggs, Charlotte 28
Roach, Ross, Mrs. 1
Roach, Sue 42
Roberts, Charles, Jr. 28
Roberts, Frances, Dr. 1, 26, 29, 46
Roberts, Frances, Miss 2, 3, 7, 34
Roberts, Jack 25
Roberts, James Easel, Jr. 60
Roberts, James Easel, Lt. Cdr. 1
Roberts, Miss 15
Robertson, Frances 41
Robinson, Francis 45
Robinson, George Newman 23
Robinson, Nora, Miss 29
Roden, Hilda 45
Roden, Juanita 28
Roden, Malcolm 12
Rogers, Sylvia 41
Rolfe, Charles O., Mr. & Mrs. 3
Rolfe, Frank, Lt. (MIA) 3
Rollings, Louise 60
Ross, Bruce 28
Ross, Jane 41
Ross, Nancy Williams 46
Ross, Nancy 60
Rosser, William 60
Rowan, Bert 28, 60
Rowan, Billy J., Pvt. 2, 3
Rowell, Mona 10, 15
Ryan, Creighton Cooley 16
Ryan, Howard C. 10
Sanders, Bill 50, 54
Sanders, James Mervin 60
Sanderson, Imogene 60
Sanderson, Louise 12, 42
Sandlin, Bobby 60
Sandlin, Dorothy, Miss 29, 45
Sandlin, Jeanne 28
Sanford, Nancy 28
Sansone, Frances Marie 54
Sansone, Josephine 28
Sarden, Robert 29
Savage, Delores 13, 42
Schields, Marion Mo 61
Schields, Rosa Clay 61
School Day Memories 43
School Poems & Alma Mater 24
Schrimsher, Helen 28
Screws, Bettye J. 25
Screws, Bettye Joyce 28
Seal, Virginia 7, 13, 41, 42
Sharpe, James 14
Sharpe, Reva Wilbanks 15
Shelamer, Mary Louise 54
Shelton, Gayle 41
Shelton, R. H., Mr. & Mrs. 2
Shelton, Richard H., Jr. 2
Shipley, Sandra Gayle 9
Sibley, Kathryn 61
Simmons, Wilma 61
Simms, Bryson 61
Simms, Melvin 25, 26, 28, 30
Simms, Myra 25
Sims, Bobby 61
Sisco, Winbern 23
Sisk, James D. 54
Slayton, Glenn 54
Sloan, Bill 22
Smith, Betty Flack 18
Smith, Don 45
Smith, Eugene, Sgt. 13
Smith, Jane 13
Smith, Jeanette 28
Smith, Jean 28
Smith, Joseph B. 10
Smith, Louise 54
Smith, Margaret 28
Smith, Millard 1, 61
Smith, Raymond 45
Smith, Shirley 9
Smith, W. C. 26, 28
Smith, W. D., Jr. & Heidi 19
Smith, W. D., Jr. 13
Sneed, Jane 41
Snider, Ann 41
Snyder, Charles 28
Snyder, Joe 28
Snyder, Juanita R. 26
Snyder, Margaret 13, 14
Snyder, Mary 54
Snyder, Sarah 28
Soloman, Wayne 29
Sparkman, Frances 28
Sparks, A. L., MSgt. 13, 16
Spinella, Mary 13, 41
Spragins, Stewart V., Lt. Col. 61
St. John, Thurman, Mrs. 57
Stafford, Peggy 10
Stanford, Sara 13
Steakley, Donald 13
Steel, Fred H. 19
Steel, Fred 7
Steele, Fred & Molly Sue 18
Steele, Fred 8, 13, 41
Steelman, Naomi 28
Stephenson, Mae Alice 61
Stewart, Lanita 54
Stewart, O. B., Mrs. 57
Stewart, R. L. & Sara 19
Stewart, R. L. 13
Stockton, B. A. (Sonny) 28
Stockton, Nannette 54
Stone, Dot 61
Strietzel, Mary Snyder 50
Sturdivant, George 13, 41
Stutts, Patricia 45
Suddeth, Henry 28
Suddeth, Pauline 28
Sugg, Leroy C. (Buddy) 2
Sweat, Christy, Miss 1
Swindler, Nancy Jane 61
Talley, Joseph B. 61
Tanner, Dorothy 54
Tate, Ransom C., Mrs. 16
Tate, Ransom C. 11
Tatum, James T., Jr. 9
Taylor, Eugene & Annie 18
Taylor, Eugene 10, 17, 42
Taylor, James 41
Taylor, Mary Elanor 29
Taylor, Mary Eleanor 61
Taylor, Minnie L. 13
Taylor, Octavia, Miss 45
Taylor, Raymond 54
Taylor, William 13, 16
Terry, Tyler 14
The 49'ers Fortune - Huntsville High School 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
The Changing Times 30, 31, 32
The Commencement Times 25
The Crusader - The Red and Blue 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
The Red and Blue - HHS newspaper 3, 4
The Red and Blue - HHS Newspaper 33, 34
The Red and Blue HHS newspaper 2
The Red and Blue 46, 47
Thomas, Joyce 13, 17, 42
Thomas, William C., Mrs. 61
Thompson, Mary Elizabeth 61
Thornton, Jim 55
Tidwell, Clarence & Joyce 18
Tidwell, Clarence 7, 13, 17, 42
Todd, Archie 28
Todd, J. A. Buddy 61
Todd, Marianne 55
Todd, Norma Mai 61
Torrence, Dottie 14, 18
Towery, Mary 28
Townes, Harry, Rev. 22
Tripp, Mabel 41
Tripp, Maybelle 45
Tuck, Juanita 13, 15
Tumminello, Jo Ann 13
Tumminello, John, Jr. 55
Tumminello, John 50
Turner, Bob 55
Turner, Eugene 28, 55
Turner, Frances 55
Turner, Joe 41
Turner, Sue 14
Twentieth Anniversary Message 21
Twentieth Reunion Class of 1947 25, 26
Underwood, Jack 55
Uptain, Dorsey 23
Uptain, Virgil 55
Vandiver, Jean 55
Vann, Doris 61
Vann, Helen 12
Vaughn, Billy 29
Vaughn, Sara Wall 55
Vaughn, Sara 13
Waddell, E. L., Mrs. 59
Wade, Gerald 61
Wade, Harry B., Rev. 41
Wade, Sara Frances 33
Walden, James 45
Walker, Billy 55
Walker, Clara Mae 28
Walker, Gerry 61
Walker, Herb & Mary Lou Goodson 19
Walker, Herbie 7, 41
Walker, Herb 13
Walker, J. E., Mrs. 2, 3
Walker, Jeanne 28
Walker, John S., Mrs. 59
Walker, Joseph P., Lt. 2, 3
Walker, Whitson, Mrs. 59
Wall, David 13, 18, 41, 42
Wall, Jean 7, 13, 45
Wall, Margaret 28
Walls, Neida 45
Ward, Betty Jo Neely 1
Ward, J. D., Mrs. 60
Ward, Oliver 28
Ward, Robert David, Mrs. 58
Warden, Charles G. 14
Warden, Charles 16, 41, 45
Warden, Gordon, Mr. 45
Warden, Gordon 28
Warden, J. C. & Jane Smith 19
Warden, J. C. 13
Warren, Bonner 55
Waters, Chief 50
Waters, Winford 55
Watson, James 12
Weatherly, Douglas 28
West, Joyce Thornton 16
White, Addison, Mrs. 29
White, Carolyn 61
White, Doris Vann 1, 46
White, Mary Catherine 55
White, Niles, Mrs. 61
White, Sammy 10
Whiteside, Charles 3
Whitfield, Kathleen 7, 12, 14, 17, 42
Whitt, Buford, Mrs. 60
Wilbanks, Burwell 50, 52, 55
Wilbanks, Reva 7, 14, 41, 42
Wilburn, Gerald 41, 45
Wilburn, Jerald 41
Wilensky, Jay 41
Wilkerson, Bobby 28
Wilkes, George, Mrs. 59
Wilkinson, Billy 41
Wilkinson, Bill 8, 14, 18
Wilkinson, Remus 43
Williams, Carl Allen, Mrs. 60
Williams, Elwin 50, 55
Williams, Eugene 33, 34
Williams, J. A., Mrs. 45
Wilson, Bobby 33
Wilson, Frank 23
Wilson, J. W. (Jesse) 26
Wilson, Jesse 25, 27
Wilson, Richard 45
Wilson, Zelma 29
Witt, T. W., Mrs. 61
Woltersdorf, Karl 28
Wood, Frank 61
Wood, Kathryn 29
Woodall, Lillian 61
Woodis, Kenneth 45
Woodruff, Billy 7, 19, 42
Woodruff, Bill 13, 14
Woodruff, James W., Mrs. 58
Woosley, Jean 61
Worley, John W., Mrs. 59
Wright, Kermit, Mrs. 16
Wright, Kermit 10
Wright, Roscoe, Mrs. 61
Wyskonil, J. E. 12
Wyskonil, Joyce Mullis 16
Yarbrough, Betty & Sam 1
Repository Details
Part of the The University of Alabama in Huntsville Archives & Special Collections Repository
M. Louis Salmon Library
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville Alabama 35899 United States of America