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Frances C. Roberts History Lecture Notes

 File — Box: Series 2, Subseries A, Box 2, Folder: 6
Identifier: r02a02-06

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Frances Cabaniss Roberts collection covers the historical records of the Cabaniss Roberts family. This collection contains extensive correspondence records of the Cabaniss Roberts family circa 1830 to 1930.


  • Creation: 1830 - 1930


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research in the Archives & Special Collections reading room. Handling guidelines and use restrictions will be communicated and enforced by archives staff members.


From the Collection: 105 Linear feet (143 boxes and 19 oversize.)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


, Ann 196, 200
, Charles 134
, Christiana 102
, Constantin 386
, Elizabeth 200
, Henrietta Maria 134
, Marcus 39
, Marie Therrisa 202
, Marie 118
, Mary 196
, Napoleon 389
, Oliver 155
, Paul 30
, Peter 30
, Sophia 200
Adams, Henry 17
Adams, 33
Addison, 396
Adolphus Frederick 352
Adolphus, Gastoves 82
Adolphus, Gustavous 85, 86, 102
Adolphus, Gustoves 84
Akakia, Dr. 383, 386
Alberoni, 320, 321, 322
Alberonia, 255
Alexander IV 386
Alexis, 109
Amatious, 38
Ambler, 11
Anderson, 310
Andrews, C. M. 14
Andrews, Mathews Page 14
Andrews, 2, 10
Angelo, Michael 59
Ann 251
Anson, Admiral 288
Antoinette, Marie 300, 400
Antonious, 41
Aquehead, 324
Arch Duke of Austria 89
Archduke Charles 202, 204
Archduke of Austria 230
Archduke of Belgium 127
Argenson, 278
Aristotle, 38, 57, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 167, 168
Ashley, 190
Atterbury, Bishop 266
Augustus III of Saxony 245
Augustus III 243
Augustus IV 317
Augustus 379
Austin, Moses 18
Austin, Stephen 18
Babcow, Jean 4
Bach, 62, 393
Bacon, 10, 138, 164, 171
Ball, Mary 14
Barebone, 154
Bate, John 143
Batter, Anthony 18
Baylies, Hadizah 13
Begelan, Timothy 13
Belle Isle 273
Bentley, William 10
Berg, 260
Berkely, 169, 361
Berkley, 392
Bernard of Saxe 88
Bernini, 60
Bernis, Cardinal 300
Bertham, Jeremy 360
Bishop of Lucon 116
Bliss, George 13
Bodin, 100
Bossuet, 182
Boswell, 347, 348
Bouienger, 190
Bowers, 11
Boyle, Robert 166, 402
Braddick, 291
Bradley, 14, 363, 402
Brahe, 162
Brailsford, H. N. 380
Brandenbury, Denmarck 186
Brandenbury, 305
Bray, Sir Robert 9
Brown, 2
Bruno, Giordiana 168
Bruno, 58, 170
Buffon, 362, 364, 369, 402
Bull, 183
Burke, John 6
Bushop of Calome 199
Bussy, Lt. 289
Bute, John 303
Bute, 304, 305, 345
Butterfield, Herbert 157
Byng, Admiral 321
Byrd, William 14
Cabot, George 13
Caesar, Augustus 45
Caesar, 38, 41
Calas, 384
Calbert, Cecil 8
Calbert, Leonard 8
Callaway, James E. 8
Callileo, 165
Calvin, 73, 77, 151
Cambridge, 190
Campernello, 60
Carlos 234
Carlyle, 30
Caroline 266, 268
Carteret, 273, 274, 276, 277, 293, 311
Catherine II 250, 304, 323, 331, 350
Catherine I 248
Catherine the Great 226
Catherine 314, 318, 324, 329, 344, 356, 357
Cavandish, 402
Charles Albert 272, 311, 312
Charles Emmanuel 244, 274, 276, 285
Charles III 206, 226, 302, 304, 313, 323, 333, 336
Charles II 105, 155, 187, 188, 195, 196, 202, 203, 204
Charles IV 336, 337
Charles IX 102
Charles I 144, 145
Charles of Bavaria 270, 272
Charles of Naples 301, 312
Charles Theodore 1
Charles VII 275, 276, 278, 279
Charles VI 233, 234, 247, 252
Charles V 52, 56
Charles XII 217, 221, 248, 321, 385
Charles XI 103
Charles X 99, 103
Charles, Emperor 273
Charles, 81, 146, 152, 191, 192
Charles 141, 147, 148, 219, 220, 221, 231, 239, 278, 280
Chatelet, Madam 381
Chauvelin, 271
Cherburg, Lord 377
Chesterfield, Earl 389
Chesterfield, Lord 178
Chesterfield, 280, 281, 291, 390, 391
Choiseal, 301
Choiseul, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 313, 323, 388
Christian IV 101
Christina of Sweden 98
Churchill, John 205
Cicero, 38, 41
Cive, Robert 289
Claiborne, William 6
Clement VII 50
Clement XIV 338
Cleves, 72
Coke, Edward, Sir 143
Colbert, Jean 181
Colbert, 165, 178, 179, 180, 182, 271
Comet, 162
Comte, 187
Conde, 90, 96, 118
Confucious 373
Constantine, 386
Conti, 290
Copernicus, 162, 171
Copernieus, 160, 161
Cornelious, 105
Cornwallis, 315
Cortesian 168
Cotter, 261
Coulter, E. 8
Crasus, 38, 41
Cromwell, Oliver 150, 153
Cromwell, 96, 151, 154
Cumberland, 281, 282, 283
Curry, 9
Cuvier, 362, 364
d'Alenbert, 388
d'Halbach, 367, 368
Dane, Nathan 13
Darien, 10
Dauphin, 178
Dauphin 283, 330
De Berulle, Peter 134
de Broglie, 290
De Burry 310
De Kalb, 310, 323
De Luynes, 132
De Medic, Marie 116, 132
De Medis, Marie 56
de Pampedour, Madam 300
De Ponpadire, Madam 388
de Tenein, Claude, Madam 390
De Witt, Jan 95
De Witt, John 105
De Witt, 103, 186
Deawittie, 287
Decates, 176
des Ursins, Madam 232
Descartes, Rene 168
Descartes, 165, 167, 171, 172, 379, 382
DeWitt, John 104
Didirat, 388
Dijon, 399
Diologue, 38
Dodd, William 15
Dolenbere, 390
don Carlos 233, 241, 244, 246
Don Carlos 327
don Philip 284
Don Philip 312
Doubernay, Miss 391
Du Rohan, Duke 380
Duck, Peter, Rev. 397
Duke of Monmouth 188
Duke of Bavaria 71
Duke of Berry 207
Duke of Brunswick 201
Duke of Buckingham 117, 140
Duke of Burgundy 201
Duke of Choiseul 300, 353
Duke of Conde 129
Duke of Cumberland 299
Duke of Curlain 278
Duke of Gaston 118
Duke of Hanover 201
Duke of Kent 346
Duke of Lorraine 245
Duke of Monmouth 193, 196
Duke of Newcastle 280, 291
Duke of Orleans 116, 118, 128, 129, 231, 235
Duke of Savoy 201, 207, 326
Duke of York 193
Duma of Beyars 106
Duma of Beyons 107
Duma of Boyars 103
Dumas, 11
Dupleix, 282, 289
Ebenezer, 10
Edelmann, J. C. 372, 374
Edwards, Benjamin 18
Egleston, 10
Einstein, 158
Eleanor 221
Elexus 248
Elizabeth of Parma 234, 240
Elizabeth 139, 140, 232, 233, 239, 241, 242, 244, 247, 248, 251, 252, 303, 322, 327
Emperor Francis 312
Eugene of Savoy 252
Evangeline, 291
Fairfay, 287
Farrand, 33
Fauquet, 271
Fax, 291, 298
Ferderick V 53
Ferdinand III 91
Ferdinand II 52
Ferdinand of Styria 70
Ferdinand VI 280
Ferdinand, III 87
Ferdinand, of Styria 73
Ferdinand, of Syria 64
Ferdinand, 76, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87
Ferdinand 212
Ferinand, 78
Fernel, 57
Ferney, 381
Fisk, 2
Fleury, 270, 271, 276
Fleury 242, 244, 246
Floridablanca 313
Fonquet, 181
Fontenelle, 176, 177, 390
Fortescue, 143
Francis II, Archduke 378
Francis I 275, 278, 337, 338
Franklin, Benjamin 375
Franklin, 33, 287, 313
Frederick III 98
Frederick II 73, 74, 258, 323, 331, 381, 382
Frederick I 74
Frederick of Palatinate 140
Frederick the Great 248, 259
Frederick The Great 261, 295
Frederick the Great 352, 358
Frederick William II 351
Frederick William I 255, 256, 258, 340
Frederick William 260, 261
Frederick, Adolphus 248
Frederick, 60, 79, 80, 81, 92, 99, 101, 114, 186
Frederick 75, 230, 268, 270, 271, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 290, 294, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 304, 305, 311, 312, 317, 318, 323, 324, 329, 338, 350, 361, 383
Freeman, 14
Freidrick, 58, 148
Fronde, 122, 130, 178
Frondeur 121
Fronde 121
Fry, 11
Furstenbund, 316
Gaber, Bethlen 77
Gabor, Bethlen 78
Gaius, 43
Galen, 161
Galileo, 57, 162, 163, 164, 165, 168, 170, 171
Galvez, 315
Gaston of Orleans 128
Gaston, 81
Gentley, 281
George III 306, 307, 335, 345, 346, 397
George II 260, 265, 268, 278, 282, 293, 299, 302, 390
George I 221, 238, 249, 262, 263, 264, 265, 321, 391
George, King 347
George 294
Giannone, Pietro 372, 373
Gibbon, Edward 374
Gibbon, 177, 347, 358, 375, 380
Gilbert, 166
Goddard, Calvin 13
Godunov, Boris 103
Goldsmith, 397, 400
Goodrich, Chauncy 13
Goodwin, 143
Gordon, 349
Gothe, 396, 397
Gratious, Hugo 65
Grenville, 291
Grimm, 376, 378
Grimoldi, 301
Grinderlin, 256
Guigneir, 190
Gundermere, Count 140
Gustavas,Charles X 98
Gustavous III 352, 353
Gustavous IV 357
Gustavous, 309
Gustavous 356
Gustavus IV 323
Hakluyt, 2
Halberstadt, 80
Halifax, Lord 198
Hallenzolban, 72
Hamilton, Alexander 225
Handel, 62, 263, 393
Hanover, 262, 263, 274, 345, 346
Hanover 230, 231
Hapsburg, 285, 337
Hapsburgs, 50, 52, 66, 67, 73, 77, 78, 207, 212, 229
Hapsburgs 64
Harte, 392
Harvey, William 161
Harvey, 165
Hasker, 148
Hassall, 190
Hawquitz, 336
Hazard, Benjamin 13
Heath, Robert, Sir 9
Heath, Robert 4
Hender, 397
Hendricks, 12
Heneritta, 81
Henry III 213
Henry IV 56, 116, 121, 130, 132
Henry VIII 138
Henry VII 137
Henry, John 15
Henry, Patrick 12, 15, 16
Henry, Prince 261, 298
Herbert, Edward 377
Herder, 396
Hernshaw, 367
Herrenhausen, 290
Herschel, John 363
Herschel, William 362, 363, 402
Hess, 15
Hillhouse, James 13
Hitler, 404
Hobbes, Thomas 174
Hobbes, 30, 35, 100, 102, 169, 176, 401
Hogarth, 396
Hollister, G. H. 13
Hugenot, 81, 384
Hughes, 14
Hume, David 378, 379, 394
Hume, 361, 392, 395, 399
Humes, David 377
Hyden, 403
Hyder, 61
Hylas, 394
Infant, Cardinal 88, 89
Isabella of Parma 339
Ivan III 215
Ivan IV 215
Ivan VI 251
Ivan, Ann 249
Ivan 216, 249
Jacks, 11
James II 200
James I 2, 53, 68, 81, 100, 136, 144
James V 189
James 139, 140, 141, 142, 196, 197, 199, 201
Janisevies 221
Jansen, 183
Jeans, James, Sir 394
Jefferson, Peter 11
Jefferson, 11, 12, 17, 33
John of Oldenbanneveld 68
John of Olden 66, 67
Johnson, F. W. 18
Johnson, 6, 348
Joseph II 323, 338, 339, 341, 360
Joseph I 206
Joseph, Father 85, 116, 133
Joseph 239, 316, 317, 324, 331, 340, 344
Julich, 72, 260
Junkers, 112
Kainairdjar, Kuchak 324, 331
Kallegum, 257
Kant, 392, 395
Kaunits, 292, 295, 296
Kaunitz, 303, 337, 338, 342
Kauniz, 285
Kawnwitz, 297
Keller, 48
Kent, 361
Kepler, 162, 166, 362
Keppler, 57
Khlase, Cardinal 73
Kimprili, 188
King of Bohemia 72
Kirprile, 210
Kloster, 299
Kongeleu, 100
Koning, 383
L'Infant, 225
La Barre, 383, 384
La Place, 402
La Rochelle, 134, 135
La Rochelle 117
La Voisier, 362
LaGrange, 362, 402
Lamarck, 362
Lamont, 19
Lander, 180
Lang, 58
Langson, 378
Langueville 118
LaPlace, 362
Lavoisier, 364, 402
Law, 290
Lawrence, General 287
LeBoeuf, 368
Lee, Richard H. 12, 16
Leibnitz, 173, 174, 386
Lemarck, 364, 402
Leopold I 185
Leopold of Anhelt Dessaw 258
Leopold of Tuscany 339
Leopold, Joseph 212
Leopold 210, 211, 226, 245, 344
Lescaut, Manon 397
Leszezynsky, Stanislaus 243
LeTellier, 180
Leviathan, 174
Lezeyzski 219
Lilburne, 151
Linnaeus, 362, 364, 402
Lioenier, 283
Lock, John 262
Locke, John 4, 175
Locke, 30, 176, 361, 365, 366, 367, 369, 393, 401
Longfellow, Stephen 13
Longueville, 128
Louis VIII 64
Louis XIII 116, 117, 120
Louis XIV 89, 90, 98, 120, 130, 136, 178, 184, 187, 191, 199, 202, 203, 204, 211, 238, 320, 382, 385
Louis XVI 190, 240, 313, 333, 376
Louis XV 231, 249, 276, 283, 306, 307, 332
Louis, George 263
Louis 185, 188, 189, 206, 208, 210, 233, 278
Lutteral, 349
Lyman, David 13
Lyman, Joseph 13
Lywnes, Duke 116
Mably, 359
Machiavellis, 133
Madam of Mainterson 183
Madison, 12
Magellan, 288
Malesherbes, 376
Malone, 11
Mannely, 58
Manpertius, 382, 383
Mansfeld, 77, 78, 79, 80
Manton, Edward 13
Mantua, 83
Maria Terresa 337, 339
Maria Theresa 312
Maria Therresa 204
Maria 338
Marie Antoinette 339
Marie Theressa 316
Marie 241, 272, 273, 275, 276, 280, 283, 292, 303, 306, 307
Mark, Cleve 113
Mason, George 12
Matthias, 52, 63, 73, 78
Matthis, Duke 72
Maupertius, 386
Maurice of Nassau 68
Maurice of Nassaw 65
Mawert, 190
Maximilian of Bavaria 70
Maximilian, 78, 80, 89, 92
Maximilien, 79
Maxmillian II 52
Maxmillian of Bavaria 212
Mazarin, 252
Mazzarin, 126, 128, 130
McIlwain, C. H. 43
Mecklenburg, 83
Meslier, Jean 372, 374
Mewat, 358
Michael, Father 107
Mills, John 388
Milton, 390
Mitchell, 14
Mittle, 58
Mizart, 403
Mobley, Abbey 379
Mobly, 367
Monart, 224
Monay, 366
Monmouth, 197
Montcalm, 298
Montealle, 302
Montecucoli, 211
Montesque, 290
Montesquieu, 365, 367, 369, 401
Montesquria, 345
Montgomery, Robert, Sir 9
Morelli, 359, 367, 368
Motzant, 342
Mowat, 403
Muray, 298
Murray, James 11
Napoleon 235
Nasby, 150
Neuberg, 72
Nevers, Duke 83
Newcastle, 281, 282, 298, 299, 391
Newton, Issac 166
Newton, 58, 157, 158, 159, 167, 173, 176, 177, 225, 358, 362, 381, 382, 389, 393, 402
Nicholas, Sir 165
Nikon, Bishop 109
Nikon, 103
Nivernias, 292
Novaro, 160
Oglethorpe, James E. 8, 9
Oldenbarneneld 65
Oldenbarneveldt, john 104
Oldenburg, 164
Olivares, 90
Omai, 396, 397
Orange, William 186
Orry, 255
Osnabruck, 91
Otis, Harrison G. 16
Otis, Harrisson B. 13
Ouennel, Peter 347
Oxenstiernd, 87
Packard, 190
Paine, Thomas 375
Panaetius, 21, 24, 37, 39
Pascal, 183
Pathagorias, 160
Patilo, 255
Patino, Jose 311
Paul V 50
Pehlam, Henry 291
Pendleton, 16
Pentham, Jerry 44
Pericles, 379
Perkins, 190
Peter III 304
Peter II 249
Peter the Great 110, 248, 249
Peter, 217
Peter 216, 218, 220, 239, 248, 251, 350
Petranious, 389
Petty, William 164
Phelam, Henry 280
Philip III 90
Philip II 54
Philip IV 88, 335
Philip of Anjou 203
Philip V 207, 231, 232, 280
Philip 206, 233, 234, 254, 283, 285
Phillip III 64
Phillip II 257
Phillip IV 73
Piacenna, Madam 327
Pickering, Timothy 13
Pierre, St. 176
Pimbal, 323
Pipperda, 327
Pitt, William 299, 350
Pitt, 281, 291, 298, 300, 302, 305
Plato, 38
Polk, 19
Polus, Ameleus 24
Polybius, 24, 25
Pomatowski, Stanislas 318
Pompadiur, Madam 292
Pompey, 41
Pondicherry, 302
Pope Pius VI 341
Pope Urban VIII 133
Pratt, 16
Prescott, William 13
Prince Eugene 208, 213
Prince of Denmark 196
Prince of Wales 346, 390
Ptolemy, 160
Queen Elizabeth 138
Quesnay, 367, 368
Quintus, Marcus 38
Raleigh, Walter, Sir 4, 140
Ramsey, Dr. 223
Randall, 11
Randolph, Jane 11
Raskol, 103
Raskolniki, 103, 110
Raynal, Abbe 379
Reichshofrat, 63
Reynolds, 360
Richard, 155
Richardison, 19
Richardson, Pamela 396
Richelieu, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 178
Richleau, 60
Richlieu, 81, 83, 86, 89, 90, 299
Rigsraad, 101
Rigsread, 100
Ripperda 241
Robesphierre, 404
Robespierre, 368
Robinson, James 18
Rodney, 314, 315
Romanov, Michael 103, 107
Romanov, 108, 109, 113
Rominov, Michael 215
Rostadt, 208, 209
Rousseau, 290, 361, 378, 379, 386, 393, 395, 398, 399, 400, 401, 403
Rubens, 62
Rudolph II 52, 63, 70, 72
Rupert, 105
Russell, 371, 394, 396, 399, 404
Ruyter, 103
Saint Battle, Gothard 211
Salisbury, John 34
Sandwich, Lord 347
Sandwich, 281, 282, 283, 284
Santa Anna 18
Savile, George 389
Savoy, 190, 278
Savoy 232
Saxe, Marshall 277, 278
Saxe, 283
Saxomy, 294
Saxon, 317
Saxony 217, 230
Saye, Albert 8
Schismatees, 110
Schumaker, 100, 102
Sears, 17
Seneca, 28
Shakespere, 62
Shelton, Sara 15
Sherman, Roger M. 13
Shirley, Governor 287, 291
Shiusky, 103
Silas, Arthur Lee 313
Sirven, 384
Skelton, Mrs. 11
Smith, Adam 371
Smith, Captain 14
Smith, E. P. 14
Smith, John 14
Smith, Nathaniel 13
Sobar, Zemsky 109
Sobieska, John 214
Sobor, Zemsky 107
Sobreski, John 211
Sonbise, 299
Sophia 216
Spinoza, 172, 173, 176, 373, 377
Stadhold,Gerand 67
Stahl, 362, 363, 402
Stanhope, General 319
Stanhope, John 391
Stanhope, Philip 389, 392
Stanhope, 265, 266, 321
Stanislas II 329
Stanislas 243, 245
Stanislaw 219
Steele, 396
Steinburg, 77, 78
Stern, 396
Sterne, Laurence 397
Stevenswerth 319
Storms, 397
Streas, 397
Stuart, Charles 140
Stuart, Mary 105
Stuart, 139
Stuart 231
Stubben, 291
Styme, Colonel 15
Sultan 221
Swift, Z. 13
Tabaks, 257
Teherrana, Maria 98
Temple, William, Sir 185
Teressa, Marie 270
Terrisa 271
Tessin 247
Theodore, Carl 323
Theressa, Marie 185
Therresa, Maria 239
Thomas, Joshua 13
Thomas, 60
Thorndike, Len 78
Tilley, 70, 80, 82, 86
Tilly, 79
Tinedale, Mathew 377
Toland, John 377
Torrey, 381
Torstenssen, 91
Travis, William B. 18
Trawenlay, Governor 288
Treadwill, John 13
Turenne, 91, 92
Turgot, 313
Tyler, 19
Ulpain, 34
Urban VIII 50
Urban, VIII 81
Vauban, 177
Vauvoir, 178
Venloo 319
Vergennes, 310, 313, 314, 315, 323
Vesalius, 161
Voltaire, 169, 225, 286, 338, 345, 348, 358, 362, 365, 366, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 390, 396
Wakeman, 190
Waldo, Daniel 13
Wall, Richard 288
Wallenstein, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88
Walpole, Robert 236, 262
Walpole, 265, 266, 268, 269, 273, 285, 391, 398
Walpole 231, 240, 246
Ward, Samuel 13
Warrens, Madam 398
Washington, George 14
Washington, Laurence 14
Washington, 287
Wedgwood, 78
Weems, Parson 14
Weltanschaung, 166
Wertenberker, 15
Werther, 396
Wesley, 361
West, Benjamin 13
Westley, 393
Westminister, 290
White, John 4
Wilde, Samuel S. 13
Wilkes, John 347
Wilkes, Polly 347
Wilkes, 348, 349
William II, Prince 94, 104
William III 189
William IV 282
William of Netherland 196
William of Orange 106, 196, 197, 199
William the Silent 65
William, Frederick 91, 114, 115
William, Fred 112, 113
William, George 85, 91, 112
Williams, Samuel 18
Williams, 403
William 189, 200, 203
Wilson, James 33
Wintworth, 146
Wirth, William 15
Wittelsback, Frederick 316
Wittlesbech, 323
Wolf, 58
Wolfe, 191
Wondiwash, 302
Wright, Louise B. 15
Wythe, George 11, 12
Yardley, George 6
Zemsky Sobor 103, 106
Zemsky, 108
Zenta, 213
Zeven, 299
Zweibricken, 323
Zweibrucken, Count 316

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